Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Handling a bad review

   So, I got my first bad review today, Well it's been there a month, but I only just saw it today. It was disheartening at first, yet the flaw had nothing to do with the story I told. The flaw, which I know is there, is with the grammar. I know my grammar is bad, always has been. That is why I did not rely on myself to edit my book. To this particular reviewer it was so bad that they found it difficult to read and was unable get into the book.
  Now, this could be one extreme grammar Nazi, I've known a few of those in my day or it could be the honest truth. I am the first to admit every author needs a editor. Still, what is a self- publishing author to do when they can not afford the 500 to several thousand dollars for an edit on a book they may or may not  see a return on. I don't know about you, but I have bills. Maybe I should have just submitted and waited for the rejection letters...
  Needless to say this did not help with the lull in writing I'm currently experiencing. That is about it, hopefully The Muse will return soon.

Progress Report:
MFLI: The Machine- 10589
Violet Eclipse Part 2- 1512
Two Thrones- 7014

1 comment:

  1. You'll get through it! I'll lend you any help I can to make sure it happens. You have too many good stories to tell.
