Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Turning the Page

Some people fear change. I pride myself in being person that embraces it. Now, I'm not saying that some change does not bug me. I just adjust to it extremely well. This week was day one in a major change in my life. I started a "real" job, I use the term "real" in reference to the job being a 9-5 with real benefits and weekends and holidays off. What does this mean for Marcel the writer? Nothing. I've made the decision that being a writer is not a goal to achieve. I am a writer, my words define me. My job is a ends to a means, but it is not a backup plan. We are only limited by our willingness to fail. How do you fail at being who you are?

So, we have turned the page in the book we call life.

I had the pleasure of resurrecting the a long running Dungeons and Dragons game set in one of my homebrew continents know as "The Hunted" for my beta readers this Sunday past. It was the first time I had really gotten to speak with them about the book and they had been waiting 9 months for me to be able to run the game again.

The general feeling was that the work was good and a hair short from being great. I tell you, hearing that was like the world being lifted off my shoulders. The anxiety of waiting to hear whether or not you have what it takes, really beats you down not matter how optimistic you are. They gave me some points of interest that they felt needed a bit of revision and after listening to the explanations, these points made sense and are easily adjustable. Now, I'm just waiting for the return of the edit so I can make the adjustments.

With my new job I have a pair of four day weekends ahead of me. Whoo Hoo! I hope to get both some reading and some writing done. As my beta readers are already asking for the next book, lol.

Speaking of which, the muse returned today on the drive into work. Honestly the worst time for her to show up and my recorder was no where to be found. I had to get my laptop up and running as soon as I got in the office just so I didn't lose the idea. Book two got a little jump start today and was planing on working on it til the new year, lol.

In other news because my blogs all ways seem to be my random thoughts. I purchased my domain and setup the offical Marcel Alexander website. I will be setting up links to the books there once they are up for sell.

Also if any of you wish to read the first five chapters of Moore For Less Investigations: The Kid. Check out the link.

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